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This Week at G&SP

Tuesday, January 14: St. Hilary  

Evening Prayer - 5:40 PM 

Low Mass - 6:00 PM 

Wednesday, January 15: St. Paul, 1st Hermit

Low Mass - 6:00 PM 

Sunday, January 19: The Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Solemn High Mass - 10:00 AM

  • Harold Darke: Communion Service in F 

  • Paul Edwards: No Small Wonder 

Choral Evensong in Commemoration of the Confession of St. Peter ​

  • Jessica French: Preces and Responses 

  • John Stainer: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B-flat 

  • Robert Lucas Pearsall: Tu Es Petrus 

Grace and St. Peter's Episcopal Church; Baltimore, MD

Parking is available on Sundays in the Agora lot located in Teakle Alley. 
Parking passes can be picked up inside the church. 

Grace and St. Peter's Episcopal Church; Baltimore, MD
Grace and St. Peter's Episcopal Church; Baltimore, MD
Grace and St. Peter's Episcopal Church; Baltimore, MD
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